The blessings of Allah Almighty are bestowed upon His chosen individuals in the form of beauty, appreciation of beauty, and the ability to create and share beauty. The sense of beauty and its appreciation are inherent in human nature. When a child is born into this world, the first things that captivate their attention are light and color, followed by sounds, touch, and finally, faces. It's as if these experiences form the foundation of their innocence. Over time, layers of consciousness build upon these early impressions, shaped by the beauty or ugliness of colors, the melodic or jarring nature of sounds, the enchanting or repulsive fragrances they encounter, and the countless forms that surround them. These layers may challenge their innocence and tempt them to become slaves to their instincts, but the essence of their nature remains, unable to be extinguished. Consequently, only a few individuals manage to reconnect with their true nature. By harnessing these innocent feelings, they embark on the journey of creating and sharing beauty, earning the title of artists, practicing the delicate art of self-expression.
The realm of fine arts serves as a subtle mirror reflecting the intellectual and spiritual advancement, as well as the diversity, of a society. It becomes a reliable measure of a society's mental growth, creativity, and moral wealth. When a society suffers from intellectual stagnation, creative barrenness, and moral scarcity, its subtle arts begin to fade away, leading to divisions, animosity, and hatred within the society. Instead of functioning as an organic entity, the society becomes fragmented and plagued by conflicts, greed, selfishness, and sectarianism. The remedy for such social disorder lies in promoting feelings of love, brotherhood, and self-sacrifice. These emotions are nurtured through the soothing verses of a poet, the heartfelt lyrics of a songwriter, a mother's innocent and tender lullaby, the vibrant strokes of a painter's brush, and the heartfelt depictions of sacrifice and loyalty.
When hands meet, faces connect, and hearts intertwine within a society, the spirit of humanity flourishes. Human beings rise above their animalistic instincts, entering the realm of compassion and unity. Inspirational songs become guides, leading them through the vast and eternal valleys of "Panentheism." As a result, a pure and loving light shines upon the universe, dissolving all divisions. Love, ethics, sacrifice, and sincerity prevail, and the earth transforms into a paradise-like realm, where only kindness and harmony exist.